With only 24 shopping days left, plus the holiday packing and catching up with friends for drinks it starts to become a frantic time. For the single girl its the summer hair cut and colour, manicures, pedicures and spray tans. For the mums its the kids pressies, relatives, partners not to mention all the food to be bought and cooked. For the single guy its the kris kringle present and what to buy mum and for the husbands and dads its the drinks, constant bbq cooking and making sure the caravan, camping and all the other must take things are ready on the 26th December!!

Thats what I like about my business, Its there to help get those last minute gifts without even leaving the house. There are so many beautiful items you can purchase - from gorgeous smelling soaps and diffuser sticks, to beach and pool roll out mats, from soft throw rugs to decorative candles. Cushions to brighten the house for the festive season along with vases for the flowers and much much more.
If you need any assistance in selecting a gift or colour choice just send an email or give me a call
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