Wow after a lot of research, development,late nights and procrastination I am happy to announce the launch of my new web site. I have a new found respect for those web developers who not only have to develop the look and feel of a site but listen and take on board the business owners who want "their" site to be special and "can we just make this change" and "does that have a lighter colour shade" and so on and so on. I am very lucky that I found a wonderful guy named Col Pearson with an incredible supply of patience who in his wisdom allowed me to voice all the visual bits and pieces that I thought I should have and then say "well it would look better like this" and I would think "yeah that does look better". So my advice for small business owners with a limited budget really take the time to ask others about who created their site and find their "wonderful" Col Pearson web developer because i can assure you it makes the journey so much more enjoyable and rewarding at the end of the day.
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